Welcome to Hida's Corner

You can look at books, projects, and more!

Open the book to get started ♥

1. No minors

Yes, we all know the drill. Under 18? Get out. Bunch of porn and shit. Which if you're here, you should already know that.

2. No Hate

Don't be a dick. Easy Peasy, right? Just let me do my thing, alright?

3: No reposting

While I'm not making any visual arts aside from fanfictions right now, I'll eventually make fanart, animations, and more. So, don't be a lil shit and steal my stuff.


Hida H. is a busy-brained wannabe artist. Her name was coined from a reverse ship from one of her first ships ever. Some speculate there are two versions of her in existence, both with different last names.
From this busy brain, she combines ideas and thinks up wonderful or subpar books about them. Well, one of them does anyway.
While she has officially published a couple of chapters, she usually has at least two additional chapters written out in draft but constantly gets sidetracked on random nonsense instead of publishing them, leaving her readers wondering what the hell is happening.
Aside from that, she's also trying to dabble in digital art, coding, game-making, and 3-D animation. She's also thought of dabbling in more like music design, background design, and more before realizing that she already has too much going on.
While her goal is to get into a comfortable life with a nice paying job and a wonderful house, her utmost desire is to create what she never had. While being somewhat of a people pleaser has affected this choice, it has been one she's been with since she was quite young. We've all had that feeling where we look up something we want to see and find that it doesn't exist. Whether it be from a very small pairing to a strange concept, to something the fandom doesn't offer, the feeling is quite saddening for like two seconds before you adapt to it. While most get over it and say, "Well, it doesn't exist. Time to move on." Hida just cracks her knuckles and decides to make everything from her unfulfilled desires. Animated ship stories? Thought about it. A visual novel of her favorite pairs? In development. Art about literally everything that comes to mind? Imagined hundreds of times. Eventually, she will rise and take the fandom by storm and create so much unfiltered crap that it blinds everyone nearby. I'm just messing with you....
Am I?

Here's all my socials

Project Binder

More Coming Soon...

Visual Novel Plan

Might need to open that in another tab